Animals Arms Race | The most efficient killers in the jungle

Animals Arms Race | The most efficient killers in the jungle

More animal warriors compete in the world’s lush jungles and dense forests than anywhere else on the planet. Home to 80 % of all species land, it’s a place riddled with hiding places and elaborate escape routes. This complex hunting arena demands some of the deadliest weaponry.

Armed with sixty razor-sharp teeth and the ability to plan an attack, the female saltwater crocodile is one of the world’s most ferocious predators. However her prey also comes well-armed, protected by many cautious eyes and ears they can quickly melt back into the jungle. Tracking a herd of bearded pigs under the water, she waits for the perfect moment to launch her ambush.

Standing out from the crowd to attract a mate also presents its challenges. Yet the crocodiles, jaguars, sloths, giant otters, and birds who make their home here are up to the test.

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