Today I want to show you how to give a bath to a dog that doesn’t like to be bathe. This is Caesar, a Siberian Husky, a breed that doesn’t like restrain. When we give him a bath we will make him focus his attention on something else and we will avoid restrain and we will use minimum holding.
First of all it is a good idea to get your dog tired before the bath, plan an activity like taking him for a long walk and play ball so they run and get tired. This way your dog will have less energy to fight the bath.
Get everything you are going to need for the bath ready. Use always a shampoo specific for dogs, it has the proper PH to keep your dogs skin healthy. Have enough special treats cut in small pieces, one or two towels to dry their coat, one small towel to clean their face and cotton to put in their ears to prevent the water to get in.
In this case we are not going to use the cotton in the ears, as you can see on the video Caesar will not let us place them in his ears. On a situation like this is better not to force the dog or we will make the rest of the bath more difficult.
I will suggest to do the bath outside with a hose. Avoid the the bathtub, is slippery, makes them insecure and unstable and is very difficult to hold them steady.
If your dog doesn’t like bath time you will need someone to help you. It is not a matter of restraining, often times restraining is the worse you can do, some of this dogs hate to be restrain.
We start creating a play time with the water and the hose, as we play we get his coat wet. Caesar loves to play with the hose, I keep giving him treats to create more confidence. Avoid getting water in their eyes and ears and leave the head for last.
Next, I will soap him up, with sweet talk . I can’t restrain him or he will get scared and won’t let me. Some dogs get nervous just by seeing the soap bottle, if this is your case get the the soap in your hands and leave the bottle at a distance.
Then I will rinse him off, leaving the head for last. As you can see on the video we are just holding him with a leash. While one of us is using the hose, the other is removing the shampoo with a massage. Be careful make sure they don’t get soap or water in their ears or eyes.
Continue drying him with a towel. Caesar loves to play with the towel and likes when I give him a massage.
Because caesar won’t let us wash his face during the bath, we will leave this for the end, we will get a small towel moistened with water and we will clean his face as you can see on the video.
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Cómo bañar a un perro que no le gusta el baño
How to bathe a dog that doesn't like the bath
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