We've seen plenty of guys ask for playing time, but what about a player demanding that his coach not play him anymore? Well, that's exactly what happened with Green Bay Packers quarterback Lynn Dickey. Following a 1985 NFL game between the Green Bay Packers and New York Jets, Dickey asked head coach Forrest Gregg to not play him anymore, even though Gregg had every intention of keeping him on as the starting quarterback. What followed was a bizarre saga that more than 35 years later, still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
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Members of the 1985 Packers:
Al Del Greco
Joe Prokop
Lynn Dickey
Randy Wright
Don Bracken
Jim Zorn
Maurice Turner
Mark Lee
Chuck Clanton
Mossy Cade
Harlan Huckleby
Tim Lewis
Gary Hayes
Mike McLeod
Ken Stills
Gerry Ellis
Jessie Clark
Mark Murphy
Ronnie Burgess
Eddie Lee Ivery
Tom Flynn
Gary Ellerson
Daryll Jones
Guy Prather
George Cumby
Mike Douglass
Randy Scott
Rich Moran
Mark Cannon
John Anderson
Blake Moore
Blake Wingle
Ron Hallstrom
Karl Swanke
Greg Koch
Keith Uecker
Mark Shumate
Tim Huffman
Ken Ruettgers
Alphonso Carreker
Mike Butler
Donnie Humphrey
James Lofton
Paul Coffman
Phil Epps
Ed West
Walter Stanley
Preston Dennard
Mark Lewis
Ezra Johnson
Brian Noble
Robert Brown
Charles Martin
Tony Degrate
John Dorsey
Forrest Gregg (head coach)