The Moonfall Technique in Super Metroid (SNES) - A Wild Glitch Appears! #shorts

The Moonfall Technique in Super Metroid (SNES) - A Wild Glitch Appears! #shorts

In Super Metroid for the SNES, there's a technique called the Moonfall that allows Samus to fall at a much higher velocity than that which is normally possible. Usually, Samus' falling speed is capped at a somewhat slow pace, but the Moonfall glitch allows you to exceed that cap.

To perform the Moonfall trick, you must first enable Moon Walk in the Special Setting Mode. The Moon Walk option lets Samus walk backwards while holding the shoot button. Turn on the Moon Walk option, hold shoot, then press and hold the opposite direction Samus is facing to walk backwards (aka Moon Walk like Michael Jackson).

Once you get the hand of Moon Walking, you can start practicing the Moonfall glitch. The best place to try the Moonfall is in the long vertical shaft room in Crateria; it's the room adjacent to Mother Brain's Chamber where we fought her in the first Metroid game. You know the one.

So in this instance, have Samus stand on the right square block on the right side of that top platform with the blue door above you. Have Samus facing to the left, and aim up using the R button (it's R by default but you might have changed it maybe). Her back foot should be about at the center of that square block.

Now, while holding Aim Up and Shoot, begin to Moon Walk toward the right. Once you reach the edge of the platform, let go of Shoot and immediately press and hold Jump while still holding the Aim Up button (R by default) and Right on the D-Pad. You should begin to spin jump up against the right wall.

Now, while still holding Jump and Aim Up, press and hold Down on the D-Pad and Samus should stop rotating and instead she will point her arm downward. You should begin to fall very fast now, and you'll even pass directly through the small platform on the right side of the room toward the bottom of the shaft.

Once you hit the floor, you might notice that the room hasn't loaded properly, and the door looks funny. Furthermore, you can even interact with some invisible platforms close to the bottom of that room. But if you head to the next room on the right, everything will be back to normal.

Congratulations! You just did the Super Metroid Moonfall glitch and saved about like 6 seconds or something in that one room! By the way sometimes this trick is called the Moon Jump.

Not sure how useful this one is as far as Super Metroid speedrun tricks go, but I thought it was pretty cool. Thanks for watching!

Watch me stream Super Metroid on SNES here -

This video was edited in VideoPad -

What are some other weird tricks in old games you know about? I want to make more of these quick shorts, so leave a comment to suggest more glitches, Easter Eggs, and weird things!

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super metroid moonfallsuper metroid moon jumpsuper metroid

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