Nepali Folk Song in an Istanbul Cafe | Allare Nani | Arko travel Sessions | Romeo Natur - Percussion

Nepali Folk Song in an Istanbul Cafe | Allare Nani | Arko travel Sessions | Romeo Natur - Percussion

People in the streets of Istanbul loved two unknown faces playing this very beautiful song. it was super fun jamming with this great Percussionist friend of mine, the one and only Romeo Natur. This is the Legendary Jhalakman Gandharva dong Allare Nani Kesi, and the Turkish people in the area loved it. A dotara, a turkish frame drum and an absolutely beautiful Nepali Folk Song in Turkey, it is not something that happens everyday. I miss Kathmandu and Pokhara and this was a surprise meeting that brought back a lot of memories.

my regards and love to the folk giants of the Himalayas for guiding my spirit everywhere I go.

Cafe Pianto - Balat, Istanbul


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