The Stories Of My Dating History & Why I Ultimately Went MGTOW At 16

The Stories Of My Dating History & Why I Ultimately Went MGTOW At 16

I came to a good understanding of male and female nature by the age of 16.

I went my own way when i saw just how conformist normies were. When I was at school, we were all told to have our jabs, i stood my ground and refused it. No one else would refuse it except some autistic girl that stood by me. The herd i.e beta males and females, followed without question whether the jab is good or bad isn't the issue. It was the lack of ability to think and research why it was necessary, the average person is not an individual, they are sheep that conform to the socially engineered narrative.

The nature of men and especially women became very apprent by the age of 16. Women were willing to cheat on their boyfriend at the drop of a hat to get with me and for me to be their boyfriend. When all I wanted was companionship and 'love' but with innocent intentions from the womans side. Which as we know, can only be aquired with good looks or utility. If your looks fade or you are no longer a useful utility. They will leave you, this is known as hypergamy. And your emotions will be damaged. One may recover to a degree but the damage has been done, scars will always be there.


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