Madvent 2021 is a group of holiday horror games by various indie devs. In particular the ones in this video have a tribute to Ski Free or events harder to describe.
Game Info: https://hauntedps1.itch.io/madvent2021
"The gift that keeps on giving."
γ½(・Ο・`)----Crummy Personal Links Below This Line----(´・Ο・)οΎ
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My Cool Twitch: https://goo.gl/neioFL
My Manly Twitter: http://goo.gl/wStB6o
My Chill Instagram: https://goo.gl/8nPFzi
My Weeaboo Manly Steam Group: http://goo.gl/v50fAa
My Comfy Tiktok: https://tinyurl.com/czm4ewbp
Madvent CalenderLet's PlayPlaythrough